Let's not be caught lacking when it's time to be ready to receive!
My Year's Preamble- created December 28th 2023. This is what God told me that morning in his compassion- he was reminding me that he cared.
The Get-Ready Year
It is so strange because I never thought I’d become that girl. You know, that girl that is intentional with her life.
Recently I have implemented something new in my life: I have been doing reviews and evaluations. It is so strange because I never thought I’d become that girl. You know, that girl that is intentional with her life. The one that sits down and really thinks and adjusts things. One of the characteristics of great people is that they take time to think and create ideas. This is all new for me but all I can say is this is who God is making me to be- and I am fine with it. I think it’s a more healthier version of myself. I do all of this evaluating on my notion by the way. I am now selling my notion life planner if your interested! CLICK!
Be so for real- Self Reflect
But anyhow- in my evaluations I created a separate page called: The Year’s Preamble. A preamble is basically an introduction, dictating what the year should be like. So while doing my yearly introduction I literally got a word from the Lord. Its two fold:
1) God is not withholding anything from us, he simply wants us to be ready
2) Why try and be like someone else if God likes you!
I know it was from him because I typically distinctly remember what I’m doing when God speaks- I was in my bed that morning and it came. I felt like God was just letting me know: he is not being malicious to me, he is just getting me ready. And through all of this I had to really look at myself and come to terms with the fact that I am not at all ready. I am more ready than I was before, but I’m still not where he would like me to be. I then proceeded to write out all the things I wanted and then all the reason why I am not ready for them. You’d be amazed what some honest self reflecting will do for you.
Humble Thy Self...
Many times we shy away from self reflecting due to our ego. And that is the very thing that keeps us behind. The word says that if we confess our sins- God is just and faithful enough to forgive us. This lets us know that the key to receive God’s help is humility- the humility that comes with putting your ego to the side and acknowledging that you are wrong! Now, I can say I am not yet ready for all that God has for me and it’s a blessing that I can see that so that I can go and GET READY! And as I get ready, perhaps you can find yourself in my journey, so here are some areas I need to get to work for....
What are we getting ready for?
1) Marriage
Since the age of about 19 I started to realize that this area of my life was actually very important to me. I also started to realized that no one around me was a suitable match. No matter how deceived I’ve been in the past, I am almost certain that I have not yet met my husband. We are still persisting in a place of prayer however there are a few things that need to be handled in the meantime. I realized getting ready for marriage meant getting healed of past traumas, learning how to regulate my emotions, getting rid of my attitude, not being lazy etc… etc…etc.. I mean there is so much that goes into being a wife, especially the wife of a man of God! Many times the situations of life hardens us and removes all of our softness but if you are not ready to be soft and submissive - you are not ready to be married!
He is breaking the poverty mindset and now rebuilding a mindset that can actually run a business and make money.
2) Wealth
I have only just recently started in this journey for wealth. I was the girl that spent a check to get it right back. I mean I was terrible with money. I did not hear any advice- I just spent. I spent myself into the ground. All of this because of terrible thinking. I am now in a place where God - by his grace is literally undoing all of that for me. He is breaking the poverty mindset and now rebuilding a mindset that can actually run a business and make money. It’s a beautiful thing, like I actually believe in God’s hand in my life right now. The way he is even changing my perception of myself! I now know there is a certain mind you have to have to thrive financially and God is building that within me. You can not be so sensitive and breakable- ready to give up because people won’t support you. I realized He isn’t going to just erase the debt or give me a lump sum of money without breaking my faulty mentalities that got me there in the 1st place. He is a responsible father so he will allow us to learn from our mistakes so that when we receive what he has to give- we will have the character to sustain it.
3) Ministry
I am not ready to be fully launched in my calling: Character, character, character. I once remember a friend telling me “Bev, I hope you don’t think God is telling you to quit your job to do full time ministry” at the moment I wondered why she said that. Now I totally get it. Day by day God shows me more and more areas to change. I know I have a bright future- and so do you! But God will not allow you to walk into it if he knows it will destroy you. Some of us- our character hasn’t been developed, our prayer lives are almost non existent …how can we sustain the attacks that come with greatness if we don’t do the work needed in the secret place?! That is why we must not rush to be seen but be content with where God has placed us and submit to his process.
Let's Go!
I say all this to say- this is the year to GET READY! These were just a few areas that God is working on in me- what is he working on in you? Perhaps create your own evaluations and preamble for the year? I'm excited because for me- God is working in s many areas like my health and fitness! But that is a discussion for another day! I am grateful to God and I truly believe this is the Get Ready Year! All of His promises will come to pass- BUT ARE WE READY?
Simply, Bev