He is Risen! Now what?
We all know that feeling we get when Easter comes around. Everyone for some strange reason feels compelled to go to church with their best outfits. It is a great thing that people go to church on Resurrection Day. However, one must ask the question: As we are joyful that he has risen- are we living a life that represents that? Or is the celebration of Easter simply the result of a universal pride that we share in our faith around that time?
Is He Risen in Your Life?
If “He is risen”, then you can turn from your sins. If “He is risen”, then you are set free. If “He is risen”, then you are empowered!
By this time, many of us have even forgotten about all of the emotions and excitement we felt around Easter. All of our religious works have deflated. It worries me that we can come to church on Sunday- scream “He is Risen!” and yet continue to willfully live like he is not every day. If “He is risen”, then you can turn from your sins. If “He is risen”, then you are set free. If “He is risen”, then you are empowered! There is hope! We should continuously seek to obtain what it means to believe that He is risen! Rather than accepting to live powerless lives in which we have to take the blows of our flesh and the attacks of the enemy! Or else we run the risk of saying He is risen and not being risen ourselves.
Pentecost is Coming!
After the Resurrection comes a very important period of time that many tend to overlook. It shocks me that I can't recall my church ever celebrating the Day of Pentecost. I believe I am scheduled to lead service that Pentecost Sunday and yall know if I do, Imma make it known that “Today is the Day of Pentecost!” The Day of Pentecost holds so much weight because it marks the date on which the Lord released his Spirit onto the earth for all man to be empowered to war, follow, obey and abide in Christ. This is what makes Holiness, alongside with the sacrifice of Jesus, available to us. This is why we have no excuse! If you want to know how can you be empowered to walk Holy- you need the HOLY GHOST!
Spiritual Violence
"It is easy to think “it don't take all of that”. But it takes ALL of that."
What I find is that despite the fact that we need the Holy Spirit, not too many of us are willing to go through what it takes to engage it. The Bible says that the early church followers tarried in the spirit, constantly praying (Acts 1:14). They stayed in a place of prayer for about 40 days and then the Ghost came. What is this? Violence in the spirit. It is called the subduing of the flesh so that the Spirit may have room to control our lives. In this day and age of Tik Tok, fast food and
podcasts- we have all but killed our capacity to tarry for the things of God.
Get Violent!
Yet the violent take it by force! There will be some who will rise above the standard. There are some who will pray into the night and remove themselves from filth. There are some who are willing to be radical about the Lord. See what I notice is this- we have the capacity, we are fully able to make sacrifices. We simply lack willpower and motivation and because churches nowadays are more concerned with making Christianity comfortable to you, it is easy to think “it don't take all of that”. But it takes ALL of that. It takes more than an inspirational sermon, coffee and then a play date with the worship team after church. It takes spiritual violence to get close to God and ascend in the spirit. Just take a look at the early revivals like the Azuza Revival- was it not marked by constant prayer? Yet we can’t pray for 21 hours without coming up with a diplomatic way to excuse ourselves.
My Goal
My goal is to grow in Spiritual power and in order to do that, one must be spiritually violent. I do not write to say that I am there, but it is something I wish to contend for. Now, that is not to say that our Christian walk is summed up to warring against invisible forces 24/7. But it is to say that we must be aware of the things of the Spirit. The same drive we have to obtain worldly things, we should have to obtain spiritual things.
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